Flower App

Because Life Happens

Category: In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed It

Things you might not have seen. But should.

What’s a Friend?

How many friends do you have? In the pre-Facebook days most people didn’t count their friends. We knew there were some special friends we could always depend on, and a much larger group that we we were acquainted with and perhaps spent time with occasionally. They might be people we met through our work or through various community organizations.

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Things you might not have seen. But should.

Just do it

At Flower we often talk about the challenge of knowing what to say or do when a friend is in crisis. After all, it’s one of the main problems we want to address with the app.

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Things you might not have seen. But should.

Empathy Cards to the Rescue

When someone tells us they’re sick or facing a crisis, our natural tendency is to want to help in some way. We want to say the right thing, be comforting, but all too often words escape us. I suspect we’ve all heard stories about cancer patients saying “please don’t call it a battle”, or of friends shying away because they just don’t know what to do or say.

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Things you might not have seen. But should.

Mat’s Story

We all have moments of stress, and sometimes those moments can grow to seem overwhelming. How we manage those moments can sometimes tear us apart, or if we’re lucky, bring us closer together.

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Things you might not have seen. But should.

Caregivers…Take Care of Yourselves, Too

At some point in our lives, we may all face the challenge of caring for someone we love, whether it be an ill child or an aging parent. It can be stressful and difficult work, and all too often we find the need to give care forces us to set aside other parts of our lives. Without help, it becomes harder and harder to maintain balance in your life.

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Things you might not have seen. But should.

Brené Brown on Choosing Empathy

There is so much information swirling around us, across multiple screens and coming from hundreds of sources. It’s not possible (or even healthy) to try to take in all that information. We try to read it all on the off chance that we will capture the one true nugget, and in the end all we usually have is a headache. That’s where ICYMI — in case you missed it — comes in.

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