You can make a major difference in someone’s life when you offer the right help at the right time. To you, it might be something simple, but to the person you’re helping, it’s a superpower.
Superpowers don’t have to be big things.
I had a dreadful flu last December and I didn’t want to crawl out of bed. I had planned to spend the day with a friend. When I called to cancel, she and her family instead showed up to my house with soup, bread, orange juice, and kleenex. It was the perfect thing to help me feel better.
Flower reveals your superpowers.
People appreciate it when a friend offers a welcome distraction or to help with housework. In Flower, you can show your friends what your personal superpowers are with “I Can Offer.”
- Gettin’ Out Buddy: I’m a spontaneous planner. When you need a change of scenery, we can do something that’s out and about.
- Pet Sharer:I have a friendly pet that I’m happy to share with you. My pet loves to be good company.
- Master Scheduler: I am great at coordinating people. Contact me when you need a hand organizing anything from rides to visitors.
Your expertise is a superpower.
When life throws someone a curve ball, they want to reach out to other people who have gone through the same thing they’re going through. Let your friends know that you’ve been there, too, with superpowers like:
- Advocate: I will stand by you. I can be your voice, if necessary, at doctor’s appointments, family events, and whatever and wherever you need.
- Caregiving Buddy: I have stories about caregiving. I’m happy to pass along any advice you might find helpful.
Flower has many superpowers to choose from, or you can customize your own. What’s your superpower?