Flower App

Because Life Happens

Josh Kennedy: New Father

First-Time Dad Josh Kennedy in a new podcast.

The Resilient isn’t a podcast just about facing extraordinary circumstances and getting through; it’s about facing the ordinary life-changing events that happen to us too. So this week, we’re bringing you a musing from first-time father Josh Kennedy. He and his partner Tess gave birth to Ada a little over four months ago, and in this episode, he shares her origin story, how he’s learned to ask for help, and that the things he learned from his own father are far more valuable to him than anything he’d find on the pages of any best-seller in the Parenting section of the bookstore.

Listen, as first-time Dad Josh Kennedy talks about discovering superpowers he never knew he had.

The Resilient is a podcast about powerful people, like you and me. It’s an eavesdrop session on their toughest times, and what they’ve done since then. It’s about life transitions, difficult decisions and unexpected twists and turns. Because life happens. It’s brought to you by FlowerApp.com and is produced and presented by Dr Aleks Krotoski and Pillowfort Productions. It is mixed by Katie McMurran.


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