Josh Kennedy: New Father
First-time Dad Josh Kennedy discovers superpowers he never knew he had.
Yoga is not only good for building strength, flexibility and balance, it turns out it may also help improve bone health. Check out this study done by Loren M. Fishman, MD.
It can be risky to assume you can offer caring and support through social media like Facebook. Sometimes you need a more meaningful connection.
Use neuroscience to make yourself feel happier. Eric Barker shares 5 behaviors that can improve your mood.
Pieter Hintjens gave his family and friends a great gift by explaining what he needs from them during the last part of his life’s journey.
Knowing how to ask for help can take courage, but ultimately it brings you closer together with friends and family.
You can make a difference in someone’s life when you offer the right help at the right time. It might seem simple, but it’s a superpower.
We’ve come up with some ways we think Flower is tailor-made to bring people together.
Flower makes it easy to give help and to ask for help — because life happens.
People often say “If only…” If only I had said this, or done that. What if you could start over?